
Description List - Shortcodes

by Roxanne Darling

This post uses the paired shortcode wrap and Description List paired shortcodes dl (description list), dt (description term), and dd (description description).

The wrap paired shortcode used in the exmaple is optional and is used to wrap the entire list in a rounded border with a gray-200 background.

💡 See the /src/utils/paired-shortcodes.js file for full description and usage examples.

Frequently asked questions

How can I create Definition Lists in Markdown?
Use my cool shortcodes described above and in the code example below.
How many List items can I have?
As many as you want. Just keep adding more `dt` and `dd` blocks like this one.
Is it possible to have background colors, borders, etc.?
Yep. Just use the `wrap` shortcode, like in this example, and style it however you want.
{% wrap "px-2 mt-8 mb-12 rounded-lg pb-2 border border-gray-300 bg-gray-200" %}

## Frequently asked questions

{% dl %}

{% dt %}
How can I create Definition Lists in Markdown?
{% enddt %}
{% dd "text-gray-600" %}
Use my cool shortcodes described above and in the code example below.
{% enddd %}

{% dt %}
How many List items can I have?
{% enddt %}
{% dd "text-gray-600" %}
As many as you want. Just keep adding more `dt` and `dd` blocks like this one.
{% enddd %}

{% dt %}
Is it possible to have background colors, borders, etc.?
{% enddt %}
{% dd "text-gray-600" %}
Yep. Just use the `wrap` shortcode, like in this example, and style it however you want.
{% enddd %}

{% enddl %}

{% endwrap %}